Sensitive tummies. Oils for symptoms and emotions.

Digestzen & Peppermint. Lavender and Frankincense…all weekend. Finally by late tonight, I found the emotional tie I KNEW was there that threw her tummy off … better now. Bottled up, deep down, covered in pre teen game face, “I’m finnnnne mom”.

💧The peppermint & Digestzen over her belly and on her back. Peppermint - she also tapped top of bottle and put on her tongue. I apply bottom of her feet, mama love 💕 massages. The lavender to inhale & rub over her heart. (Also oil of communication & brings us to what our heart needs say clearly). Mamas lil secret 😉. Frank - big guns, all systems helper. Always I add Frank, or Melissa, On Guard, or Oregano - in case it’s viral

💧This (not so tiny anymore) dancer at her first performance. She took to dancing much earlier then I did, and never left. It’s all she does out side of school & surfing. Her joy.

💧and -She missed a trip with her dad & sister for a dance camp this month. First travel opportunity since this mess we were in.

💧Quick easy decision, we were all surprised she made. Later, Settled in and made her uneasy all weekend. She’ll feel so good once camp starts tomorrow, lots of calls from sister & hearing (seeing family, a house boat part of trip), our girls love love to travel & are pros at it, growing up Kauai.

💧Oils to our rescue again. As I can hit her physical symptoms, I too can assist her emotional body. Easy, at our finger tips. 24/7. Grateful.

💧Sorry you also inherited my sensitivity & also always taking it in your belly 😌 too.

💧This I know - I’ll always pack her : peppermint, lavender, digestzen & Frank. On the go. Her little Strong Tummy : Roller Ball. For her heart space too. She also now really knows what to do on her own for her body & needs. Teach em young. Natural ways to take care them.

💧We also took big breaths. Gardened. Hugs. And cuddling. Perhaps that’s what she also just needed in longer stretches all along 😉I got you big girl… I GOT you forever 🐻❤️

✨These 4 out of our top 10. In my fav starter kit, ALSO! gets you free breathe touch too in June. Links though @essentialshine or DM me to send u more info to help u get yours. ❤️


newly discovered magic of actual one on one time with my girls, as a co parent


Let’s all take a Breath, shall we? #summer