What?!?! (Ear Care Tips)


For all of you swimmers, ocean lovers, ear sensitivity or chronic ailments with your ears.

I was born with not so great hearing. I easily can get an ear infection. I had tubes in my ears when I was young. All the hours in the ocean hear defiantly does not help. My daughters seem to have the same sensitivity.

Before and after we swim, I apply diluted Tea Tree around the front and down the back of their ears. This super power plant loves to help our ears health. Adding Basil too, and Frankencense for their extra specific aid.

Keep our Tea Tree Touch on hand. Or make your own roller ball using one of the following recipes.

Its certainly kept is from getting an infection, fighting off bacteria and viruses.

After we have all been under water, I also drop in either Swimmer’s Ear, or a few drops from my bottle I keep filled of Rubbing Alcohol + ACV ( Apple Cider Vinegar).

I still can’t hear great ... what ? ... but! we all can swim with peace & no ear infections.

Love Your ears

In a 10 ml. roller ball

add about 25 drops Tea Tree

15 of basil,

15 Frankincense

top off with fractionated coconut oil

Apply before and after swimming. Apply nightly at bedtime too, as need.


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