Room Deodorizer & Surface Scrub

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Ingredients ¼ cup baking soda 5–6 drops favorite essential oil


Put ¼ cup baking soda into a small Mason jar. Add five to six drops of your favorite doTERRA essential oil or blend. Put piece of fabric on jar and seal with jar band. To keep an area smelling fresh, place jar on a solid surface and shake often to activate the fresh scent. If scent starts to fade, simply add two to three drops of essential oil to jar.


Use this mixture to scrub your toilet, sinks, and when ever else you need to scrub.

Take off the top and just sprinkle it onto the surface you wanna scrub, Add a splash of vinegar or spray some of your mixture of On Guard cleaner concentrate with water Spray.

Your child could literally use their hands and clean this and it would be safe.

How it THAT for non toxic! And it's good down our drain for our earth too. Meanwhile you are aiding your body with the aromatic benefits. WINWINWINWINWIN!


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