Post-Sun Skincare


Even if you don't live on an island like I do, we all need post sun care sometimes. Especially during Summer months.

Too much Fun in our glorious sun?

Start to slather your Frankincense, Lavender and Tea Tree essential oils with coconut oil on area of your skin that has been affected.

These 3 oils are effective but gentle skincare oils that will help you heal naturally after you get too many rays.

You can also add diluted peppermint too if you feel hot or if the area is super red and irritated. Peppermint provides cooling relief!

For a healthy person age 4-adult, start with 1-3 drops of each, add of about a tablespoon of coconut oil and massage into your skin. Repeat as often as need!

For little ones, start with just 1 drop of each at a time in a tablespoon of coconut oil, “diluted” for each application.

If you are taking a vacation or if you spend a lot of time outdoors as a family, I have a trick for you!

I suggest that instead of having to create this mixture every time someone is outside in the sun for too long, you could pre-make a rollerbottle with Lavender, Tea Tree, and Frankincense, adding a touch of peppermint for that cooling sensation as needed. This is a great idea to throw into your beach bag and then you’ll have it ready at all times to use often. My family LOVES my beach bag essentials!

Add the oils into the roller FIRST, swirl, then add your fractionated (liquid) coconut oil to top it off. Shake and use whenever you need it!

Use these oils post-sun and you will see such a difference in your skin. Repeat as much as need until your skin feels and looks better, at least 3x daily.

PLUS sometimes when my girls are out in the sunshine and get dehydrated, their lips get chapped! What an awful feeling. No one likes dry lips.

For Chapped Lips use doTERRA Correct X, which is an essential-oil-infused ointment. I keep one in my car and one in my beach bag always. SO GOOD! Correct X is My absolute favorite lip repair. Correct X is made for this as well as scrapes, bruises, bites, blisters .... it's so powerful and acts fast.

I hope your family has fun in the sun!


Your Scars are my favorite parts.


Lessons from a Business-Owning Mama