Lessons from a Business-Owning Mama


Inspired by Wisdom by Maya Angelou

I have been a business owner for a while, and I have learned some hard-earned lessons in balance, community and self-care…

These are lessons I want to share with you, so that you don’t have to learn them the hard way!

Important Lessons:

Surround yourself with people who lift you up!

Do NOT compare yourself to others.

Honor your unique strengths.

Let things go. Feel the flow.

Do the thing you love most first thing in the morning.

Get good sleep.

Hire people to do the things you need done. There is always a way to do this! Hire (or trade) for the services you need to make your life smoother and easier.

You can’t compare. You can only HONOR the strengths of yourself and others.

As a business owner and a creative person, there are A LOT of powerful, talented, beautiful, smart, successful people in my life. I am in awe of these beautiful people!

I gather with them, online or in person. They make up many my friendships.

We gather for education, learning new tools for businesses and our own personal growth. We grab coffee and talk shop. We are in the water together, at the beach spitting ideas. We jump Zoom, sharing our journeys and ideas.

What’s my point? Well… I surround myself with incredibly high-vibe people.

These beautiful, inspiring women and men lift me up. When I am frustrated, they infuse my life with fresh air and moments of clarity! And I suggest that you (yes, YOU) do the same!

Your vibe attracts your tribe and mine is inspiring, innovating, dream-catching, building, carving, trailblazing and always willing to learn and grow.

It’s incredible to see the courage and strength it takes to create, build, and run a business. So many are mothers, too. The juggle is REAL.

I feel it in myself a constant observation to make sure I am pausing, breathing, getting sleep, using my oils, taking my supplements. Being PRESENT. Taking excellent care of myself mentally and physically.

My former career and lifestyle came at a cost I don’t ever want to pay again. It required over a year of recalibrating my former Type-A, Over-Planner, Push-until-you-can’t-push-anymore, sleepless, anxious self. And frankly it took going through separation and a divorce, as a mother, to shake me to the core and invite the deepest healing I have ever had to do. I always see this vision of my body taking my fiery heart and soul by the hand to direct to a healthier place.

I surround myself with creative and driven people, but I do NOT surround myself with people who push too hard anymore. I can’t be around people who are deeply unbalanced or unhealthy. Truly creative people are wonderful, but the best people find ways to be present and balanced.

What have been your biggest lessons as a business owner?

I am imperfect and always learning! I follow what feels good. What feels heart-opening, peaceful and present.

If you are working to find balance in your life, strengthen your connections. Work to take care of yourself. Form habits that work for you. I know you can do this!

Love, Daniella


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