Just Leap!

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How I build Essentialshine: Mostly with my girls right by (on ON), my side

Above, Daysha, was by my side almost always since she was 2. Below, is Naila on my hip, Post teaching a class, online, at months old in 2014 . This is how I build my business, with my kids, in my home, from afar, and locally, with my communities. Real life. I think we all too often wait until it feels perfect, together, organized, prepared

Yes yes! To some of that. But most of my success has been by jumping in, very humanly, following that pull, that excitement, that dream, that vision, that .... and the beauty of it all unfolding like a piece of art, bit by bit. Sure bumps|much growth!! along the way. Real LIFE! But, also, so many miracles, wonder, grace, service, that I could have NEVER EVER planned or prepared for BECAUSE I took one little leap at a time

What’s pulling at you ? What whispers in your ear ? Here’s me cheering you on to leap!

Little Naila is now almost 6! And she could probably teach an oil class too! She certainly whips up her own blends that I end up using too. Daysha, as you can see, makes her own DIY video’s at age 10, see the Video page here on our site!

Just incorporating my girls in our whole life is how I single parent and help thrive in a single income home. Keep them a part in ways that feel good to us all.

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Why I stopped Planning My days with my Kids


EASY Southwest Quinoa Salad