healing symptoms

To all also in perimenopause. To all also healing bodies and in process.

I am with you.

It’s been over 3 months now of a journey I am still deep in. Partly working with symptoms of my body changing and right in the middle, it feels, of ending my monthly cycles.

Partly with exploring and finding solutions for debilitating bouts of nausea that began last October.

There’s plenty to share, I’ve been in professional hands & deep prayer since this all began. I have upcoming appointments & many daily & weekly shifts I am making.

I thought I’d finally do a first blog and post, so I can continue to share all the physical, dietary, spiritual healing, changes & new solutions I find.

To each of you dear & near having walked or currently walking this too - with both perimenopause & or your own ailments you’re working through, thank you ! For openly sharing your journeys in our calls, DM’s, texts

To listen to, to cater to, and heal your body is but the bravest walk I know.

To numb, push, avoid, ignore, well, we all do this, until we can’t. Our bodies are always telling us thu symptoms what it needs. I encourage you to STOP, to pause, and deal with your symptoms. What resist will truly persist & my nausea truly started years ago. I got away with eating what ever I wanted … until now. And lately avoiding my own teaching’s of pausing!!! and pushing too hard in my schedule.

Cha cha cha charges happening. Shedding happening. And though it’s got me in tears surrender anger frustration …. I know it’s all in perfect timing - as it always is 🙏✨
as I turn a year order soon, it’s new year & seasons & for me to have prayers answered & new to come, I feel a better - walk that walk.

Love your body & take of you. It’s your temple - gifted with. I am here to help! You do have the time. You do have the support. And if you need help, ask. We are all here for each other. Truly.

And please please ignore all comparisons & whatever we see on social media or even out and about when you are struggling and you feel alone in your journey of healing.

Those that appear always all happy all good all the time. You know - it ain’t anyone’s whole truth, but not all want to post or share truth or hardships. That’s so ok! I have no idea why I’m always moved to stay vulnerable and open. But I do. I love our real humanity. I love real connection and I love real life.


allergy season aid… congestion too!


Crazy Blend… (go the f to sleep blend)