allergy season aid… congestion too!

Are allergies making your life miserable? Our essential oils and specific products can help you soothe and relieve your symptoms and bodies reaction to what it might be reacting to, so you can start feeling like yourself again. Prioritize your health by having what you need onhand, nautally.

Help for the symptoms and aid to ease and support for the reactions are here. These are the porducts and oils I use to help us through allergies and for the other relief they give for the many other ways they can serve us all.

TriEase is our gel cap avialable for purchase on your next doTERRA order. It combines the 3 oils that together make a natural antihistamine! HOW COOL IS THAT! Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint. perfect for on the go aid. These oils also do so much more for our systems too. I personally take 2 soft gels at first sign of symptoms.

You can DIY your own so easy too! Simply have empty gel caps, called Veggie Caps on hand at home. We sell them - peek here. Open an empty gel cap and add 2-4 drops each of Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint. Close up the cap and take it. Reminder- these can NOT be made ahead of time. Grab our Triease soft gels for more convience or travel/ on the go.

I love having these on hand for the other oils I do not like tasting but are so helpful for my own healing. Like tumeric for my inflamation. Or when a virus hits - making a “flu bomb” of 2 drops each : oregano, on guard, frankinsence, lemon, tea tree and copaiba. Veggie Caps are very budget friendly and like our fractionated coconut oil and glassware, just great to have on hand if you are comfortalbe and enjoy Internal usage of essential oils.

Anyother aid is diffusing Breathe blend. I also love peppermint, or any of our minty plants or blends that contain mint in them. Helps open our lungs and ease up the dry throat and coughing. Getting our oils into our air by simply using our diffusers is a massive help to everyone in that space. The aroma in the air goes into our nose, our lymbic systems, into our lungs and blood streams. Such an ease step makes a big difference. During allergy seasons or reactions, Diffusing your Breathe Blend or any other calming oil, or respiratory aid will aid your people greatly.

Breathe Vapor Stick is a helpful on the go aid too. I love just using 1-2 drops the Breathe Blend with some coconut oil in my application on myself and now older kid/teen. I have heard customers LOVING the stick for a little less intense aroma and aid in easy applying especially on really littles and those with skin sensitivities. To each their own. View the Breathe Vapor Stick.

For a savings you can get our Stick, Breathe Blend AND our Breathe Drops in a package saving you more. Breathe Easy Combo.

Lube it up!

For chapped noses from lots tissue use. I use Correct X around my nose from the start. Acts as a protection for your skin before using your tissue, then helps repair chapped, raw skin from constant maintenance of excess snot! Correct X is like a natural Neosporim. Correct-X provides a moisture barrier that protects and hydrates the skin. This petroleum- and preservative-free product absorbs quickly and is gentle and nonirritating, making it ideal for sensitive skin.

Finally Lemon oil. Along with avoiding foods that only create more mucus, like dairy, Lemon is great to ingest, apply and diffuse to help lesson and also create less in your body. Lemon is believed to help prevent and eliminate excess mucus due to its high vitamin C content and strong antibacterial properties. The citrus fruit's acidic nature is thought to break down mucus in the throat and chest, making it easier to expel. Moreover, lemon can help boost the immune system, which may help prevent mucus buildup caused by colds or allergies.

Adding it to your diffuser is an easy step to assist all.

Finally Lemon oil. Along with avoiding foods that only create more mucus, like dairy, Lemon is great to ingest, apply and diffuse to help lesson and also create less in your body. Lemon is believed to help prevent and eliminate excess mucus due to its high vitamin C content and strong antibacterial properties. The citrus fruit's acidic nature is thought to break down mucus in the throat and chest, making it easier to expel. Moreover, lemon can help boost the immune system, which may help prevent mucus buildup caused by colds or allergies.

Adding Lemon oil to your diffuser is an easy step to assist all. When there is congestion in our home I love adding lemon to our Breathe. Adding it to your rolller ball blends is wonderful for topical usage for all. Finally adding it to your hot tea, water bottle, or veggie caps to ingest it will also serve your body.

My absolute FAV multitasker oil i never run out of because it’s also used in my cleaning too! And in making my window/ mirrior cleaner that is also my veggie wash. Now THAT’s multi tasking! Bang for your buck!

Seasons change, as The Bangles say, (‘80’s anyone?) our flowers and plants blooming. For me it’s any sign of must or mold. For some it’s animals. Could be so many specific things our bodies just don’t like to be around so they react with flair ups of symtoms.

May these oils and products ease up your home and your people. To aid the symptoms and relief the reaction. And get you back to full quality of life in your days!


What’s in your water?


healing symptoms