Love the Skin You’re In : ALL Skin’s, all ages, All People. Care for your largest organ. Face and Body.

Added thoughts at top of newsletter. I started this newsletter Sunday. Now it’s Tuesday, ready to send off, but a very much needed add here. Because of yet another shooting. And as I type about my privileged white skin care, I cry for my Black friends, my Asian friends, my friends of all nationalities except caucasian.

I witnessed censorship today in both my Live Video and a gorgeous vegan chef I adore, Tabitha Brown’s Video, in it’s limited posting or inability to sharing simply because ( I am guessing), we mentioned our feelings and hurt and rage for #dauntewright and the millions before him.

So I now will look at what more I can do. Admittedly I’ve just voted and protested and posted a lot. I had been reading about white privilige last year and tapping in to the stifled screaming for equality that both Daysha and I have in our souls. But not much more then that. We both weep at just the sight and hearing about unfairness.

I have to dive deep with her about injustice, and the world being unfair, and being street smart and finding her voice with others in public, loud and clear and …taking action with her. Sometimes, often times, very uncomfortable action. That takes care of her, or another she might see in need.

If I ask this of her, well, then, I ask it of myself today too. What are you doing? Any suggestions for us? I would love to hear what we can do in our communities and for a far online.

Ok, sigh. back to my original content here all about taking care of our skin, allll skins and alll people. Our largest organ!


From lil Naila’s 6 year old ease in just needing to shower off the day, and keep up basic hygiene

to our first Pre Teen in the House, that all of sudden needed some extra care due to acne starting up, and need for under arm care

to this 47 year old face and body’s skin, that I love taking excellent care of with our clean products, facial line, and specific oils I’ll share with you

Let’s Dive in…


For little Naila

And all of our Basic Skin (and hair) Care Soap in up:

I buy our BIG bottles of our Shampoo and Conditioner. The Shampoo doubles as BODY Soap! and conditioner as my shaving cream in the shower. or leave in conditioner during extra dry hair needs. The girls detailer HERE

The Body Wash, from out Spa Line, is an extra we sometimes buy. I just love the smells of Bergamot, Grapefruit and Cedarwood together in this.

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Daysha’s Body, Face and Skin Care:

Daysha’s Routine Below, in her latest DIY with Daysha and doTERRA Video’s.

She also uses our above pictured, Shampoo and Conditioner on her locks. For her body she uses what I also do in my Routine List below. For her newly needed Deodorant I adore our clean options. Products She Uses HERE our HD Clear Line and our Essential Skin Care mama’s adores and uses too, more on all of that below….


Mama’s Routine’s


Our Essential Skin Care Line

Immortelle Blend

Our Yarrow Pom Body Renewal System

And Correct X always in my purse

The Break Down for my 47 year old Skin I am in… care…


I love love our first, renewed Essential Skin Care Line. You can order individually exactly what you want. OR, you can order in kits. One a customizable one. To save the most, I place the Kit with every product in this line in it as one of my twice a year monthly orders. Boom Done. It all lasts. I get that 30% back form ordering every month, and I receive incredible smelling, all containing essential oils of course! NON Toxic Cleaners, Toner, Serum, Moisturizers, Brighteners. Some days I use all. Some days just wash and tone. It feels amazing, and keeps this all natural face, not too shabby looking for 47 ;) I also LOVE Immortelle over my lines on my face, and on my body scars, and for calming centering all through out the day.

A note on that. I did try Botex. I don’t judge anyone for any choice they make for what feels best! I have the “11’s” pretty deep and that was my injection spot of choice. When 2020 hit, I began my better budgeting, uncertain of what would happen. So, I trade for hair highlights and took away the booted I had just began. Turns out, I will not go back to it, for today. It’s been over a year now. And, I dig my lines. And, these products and my oils, hydration, sweating, getting REST! Using great sunscreen, have all ramped up my care and enhanced my skin.


I buy that big ole container of organic coconut oil at Costco, and scoop some into a big jar, then add any of my flavor of choice incredible skin oils and mix. The girls and I use this on our bodies outta the shower daily.

Powerhouse Skin Oils: Yarrow|Pom, Frankinsence, Myhrr, Helichrism, Geranium, Rose, Tea Tree, Both Sandalwoods…just to name a few.

For a daily morning treat! I use our Yarrow | Pom Body Serum. On my Face and whole body. It’s DEVINE! I treat myself to this Lucious Goodness because of all the incredible benefits of Yarrow Pom, if I didn’t all ready add that to my coconut oil. Fountain of Youth oil. Blood enriching. Gives us that GLOW! Immune benefits. Antioxident… and so much more. The combo of Yarrow and Pomegranate Seed is incredible.

IN my Purse Daily: Correct X for my lips baby! Fav chapstick of all time. Also for any and every cut, scrape, bump for us 3. First Aid ointment. Ease.

And of course that’s days array of essential oils needed. My purse is silly heavy, and I feel prepared for anything. Total safety net mama. typically I have: Lavender : all things calming, my gateway oil, anti anxiety med Clary Calm: for those 10 days out of every month… or more…. :P menopause much? Immortelle for lil face love, Past Tense for aches and tension, or Deep Blue, Usually Frankinsence, or Rose cause they do EVERYTHING on EVERYONE’s skin care needs, and a bit like peppermint or Breathe for cooling during a hot day, hot flash, or pick us ups/ tummy needs.

Perfume and Arm Pits Seriously, by now.. .who uses perfume? It makes me sneeze. Grab your fav oil of choice, or make your self a roller bottle! I am on like year 3 of using our Jasmine Roller as mine. Still my fav. Play around! I think citrus + a little wood is delish! Citrus Bliss or Elevation blends. Clary Calm is often my jam. And now to your pits: I use our natural deodorants in the AM, then retouch through out the day as needed with my oils! So easy and will certainly help the vibe of where ever you go for the better, instead of stinky pants.

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Releasing Shame


April Promotions with doTERRA