April Promotions with doTERRA


Happy April!

May this new month, new season and new quarter have started with showers of more hope and ease. That is my prayer for you.

With this New Blog Post: My New Month Newsletter as I announce my NEW WEBSITE! and guide you around how it will serve you.

Mucho Aloha Ohana!

This is for YOU!

I am so so proud and grateful to Ellen! Who was the designer and took my visions and brought them to life for you. Very 2020/2021 Kine things, STAY ONLINE. We transferred 8 years of my content fav’s over, as I am all ready adding more. A true Essentialshine Hub. OFF social media as much as I am also in it. To cater to you all. Kids too! I truly hope you enjoy it. I am expanding with My own Vidoe’s and Daysha on Youtube, a recorded podcast type show on Stereo with my friend Ryan.

All content to :

Keeping the conversations of Health and Wellness, Bodies, Minds, Spirits, REAL day to day ease ion steps to do so, Healing, Truth Telling, Creatives and Entrepreneur paths lit up!

Ok .. more about the site:

Current Customers This Page is for YOU HERE Tab this page! All your doTERRA and my, resources in ONE PLACE!! yes yes!

Recorded Classes!

Click the links to view pages, right below. Now you can simple watch a class right ON my site…. I mean!!!! I know!!!

Daysha’s DIY Videos Specific Subject Classes and Shorter Tutorials Heal and Grow baby!

Intro to doTERRA and Essential Oils Class (right on the home page) A reminder, or for the new customer, my Basic Class.

If you would like to begin you doTERRA ordering with me, read more HERE, book a consult HERE, or purchase your Kit HERE. I will follow up with each personally to assist you and get my Welcome Package, and New Member Walk Through Set up with you. My New Member generous Welcome Package has returned this month, for anyone new, As I grow right here with you.

Promotions in April ::

doTERRA’s regular monthly offerings. This month It’s LIME! The oil of JOY! Always an oil or product that is our “POM” Product of the Month. Learn more about Lime in the video above. Which means, IF you have chosen to participate in monthly ordering, and your order is 125 PV or more placed on or before the 15th, You will just automatically receive this offering in your shipment. Here is why I LOVE this. Because it’s an OPTION. And I got to decide. And I can start and stop it at anytime. Also, it saves me extra. Every monthly order of 50 PV (about 50 bucks) or more gains you a % back. Starting at 10% back. Every Three months that % back increases. After a year you are at 30% back.

So to put this in perspective, as a happy customer first here with you, for 8 years I have been getting 30% back on my : deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, all purpose cleaning and window/mirrior cleaning, snubbing, laundry soap, all my supplements , the kids multi vitamins, both our probiotics, my facial and body - skin care. My new preteens facial care. Our body soap. First Aid supplies. And Yes! allll our oils. Which is our daily: immune boosting, cleaning, emotional support, healing journeys ongoing, boosting our digestive, muscular, nervous, brain, heart, lungs.

What do I do with this 30% back, which arrives in the form of points (1 point worth 1 dollar in oils), like a treasured little savings account. I cash em in- when money is tight. When I want that ROSE OIL! Or MELISSA! or for gifts. Mostly I cash them in for gifts all year long. Giving Spa, Beauty, Oils is my pure joy!

doTERRA always also offers a discounted oil or product. This Month it’s Neroli. A flower oil, so if you know me you KNOW I love me any and all flower oils because of their incredible COOL AF, wisdom and Bloom! Learn more about Neroil in my video above.

Often there are other offerings ~ this month, a new KIT! Brand new for anyone that wants to get started with doTERRA. See the pics above and Two New Wellness Track options, also explained in the video above. Now along with Immunity, Mind and Mood, Relief, we also offer : Sleep and Respiratory. This does the ordering work for you. You opt in to you or your homes needs and you will receive 3 months of oils and products catering to that specific need.

Whew, ok, are you still here?! Haha!

Income Opportunity : This income and job only increased through 2020 and now into 2021. Health and Wellness is only needed more during these times. If this calls to you, you need income, you desire to help people and get paid for it:

I am looking for two new business partners to replace two places in my organization that currently all ready make money. If you have an older account and would like to reactivate with me. If you are my current customer, and feel the calling to start to make money selling doTERRA, if you are brand new, and walk to explore what this looks like. Fill out this page here and I will follow up with a connection call. And feel free to view my doTERRA journey Here.

I’ll be back in your inbox every Monday ish. And blogging away through out week as well as recording video’s weekly.

May your new roots shoot, into this Spring Season in 2021.

And my gentle reminder to take rest all along the way. This world is still not easy. Many changes are the normal. Rest and Process time is vital to our evolving and staying healthy. My own body just gave me the middle finger and I was in bed alllll day sleeping mostly. Uh, yea, time to recoup and make down time JUST as important again. I am with you always in this.



Love the Skin You’re In : ALL Skin’s, all ages, All People. Care for your largest organ. Face and Body.


30 Second DIY Cleaners