What’s all for anyway? (For Birdie)

1984/85 Dance Company Jr. Americans at Pat Jackson’s American Dance

I am on the top right. I was in 5th grade. This was my second year with my dance family that has lasted until today and beyond.

The beautiful girl on the very top is Robin, AKA birdie.

She is currently fighting for her life, in the ICU, please send prayers her way. For her kids, parents & over her. (updates on how to help on my social media profiles).

This heart wrenching news, and our dance families texts individually has absolute changed my life this week. I am both heart broken and in tears for her and her family, in prayer, tenderness, sorrow and hope.
And, had a giant shift of perspective to my own life.

First to our dance family - Ohana. That started way back in 1984, as I still teach today and run a company today, reminders of how solid these bonds can be with our sports, arts, community and how lasting they are. Through every season, valley, ups and downs. It takes a village and missing my CA. roots and family while also just truly grateful we all have each other.

Second to my own life which was so hyper focused on my challenges and worries. To provide, and keep regrowing business, while rushing off to additional jobs, while adding new learning for my skills to help advance my career…. feeling spread so thin since early 2021. And for what? Yes, for life. For my girls to feed and following where I feel God directing me to provide, use my skills and keep expansion.
But, the stress and too full plate wearing thin.

I hate that it takes news like this to slap us to shift again.

Ive added in more time with connection to my girlfriends this week. Back in the water this week. And back to more Faith and hopes for less. Nervous System calmer, soul happier, honoring the exhale more.

Oh Birdie I wish I could sit next to you. I love you, and I pray this is just part of your journey that you will only rise and dance and grow from only stronger for. That God’s plan is truly for good in this deep valley for you all. I pray you feel and know, we are here with you, from all over.

Life is oh so precious. Reminders to play. To know - it’s always a thing this money thing… and bills and constant navigating them all. And connection with each other through it all vital. Oh how we say here:

It Is HOW. ( we do this thing called life) to stay in community and helping each other.

As it was created at our studio- may we all “Shine!” Every day in life. It takes each other. It takes the literal neighborhood, or global village we each have.


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