

One of my very first doTERRA oil blends I used and found success with just over 10 years ago.

In 2011, after just arriving I hit up every natural bug repellant I could find for my then 1 year old and me. None were working. I also could not stand the smell of most. 

So, I posted on Facebook asking for friends suggestions of a non toxic aid. This is when a sample of TerraShield came form a dear, childhood friend. This blend, along with my love of Lavender for all things calming, were my gateway oils into doTERRA. I bought my starter kit right along with a bottle of TerraShield.

I love the clean feel and smell. I was relieved as a mama I could apply to my little. Through pregnancy, birth, littles to bigs, it worked and free of all those nasty chemicals.

I have been using Terrashield (10% off in April 2022) since. Over the years, doTERRA also created a ready to use TerraShield Spray too. Available in a 15 mL bottle and a 30 mL spray, Both are a wonderful option.

This effective, all-natural blend combines Lemongrass, Thyme, Cedarwood, Geranium, and Peppermint essential oils in a sesame seed oil base.

Slide though the pics to find more usages for each. I never run out, living here on Kauai. One of these if always in my car for us where ever we are living in the tropics. 

Safe, clean for all ages and so effective. Eased my mind to find something clean for my toddler while also working so well in our spaces diffused and on our bodies as adults too.

Also doubles as a great energy cleaners and protection too ;) 


Now in these Kauai Spa’s …

