Pause to Shine: Reflect and Thanks before we move on…

Pause to Shine

Reflect, Thanks and Praise
✨Time to go back before we step ahead.

(I’d say “charge” but we know by now, it’s one day at a time globally which I am grateful to keep us oh so present in our NOW)

Questions I found I loved and am asking my self today 💕✨ and use some for my business separately too

In 2021 :

What was the most challenging?
What did it teach me?

What new habits / rituals did I establish ?

What are the most memorable moments? Why?

What can I celebrate! ?

What am I going to leave behind ?

What are the new discoveries I found about myself?

What do I want more of in 2022?

What parts of my self and my life I adore and am bringing with me into 2022?

Is there a word - or theme I want to use?

What did I kick & scream through, but hey, I made it ! (Might even be able to laugh now!)

What am Most grateful for in 2021?

✨ I suggest you Take some time. Light a candle. Make some tea. Diffuse your tree oils, calming oils or grounding blends like: Anchor, Balance, Steady, Forgive, Holiday Peace.

✨Even just reading this, and noticing your own answers is awareness. Massive big step.

💥I say we don’t do new year goals and all this hard core massive go go go expectations into 2022. Instead ::

✨Clear intension yes. Clear ideas yes.
Easier, one step at a time action yes.
may they each and all only feel good in your body. Excited. Open. Not add stress or overwhelm.

Thank you 2021 for all you brought us through. May these lessons, love, experiences carry us only better into 2022.


Arborvitae Essential Oil


Happy New Year!