Leave Room

I’ve been noticing that things just have been appearing where I have needed them, with zero effort into the energy to obtain them. The only thing I did do is… leave room for them.

Mostly it’s been furniture. About twice a year, usually around the back to school season and end of year season, after Christmas I go a little nuts about cleaning out the ENTIRE home. And I mean the ENTIRE thing, by way of cleaning out, removing EVERYTHING in each area. getting rid of all we don’t want anymore. Moving things around in that space for better function or ya know just to give it new feels and energy, or redecorate a bit, and reorganize.

As I am shuffling around furniture to different rooms or spaces, I found this July, in my mad whole home decluttering and rearranging, I noticed I then would leave my self with a needed piece of furniture. For example, this all truly started with turning my garage into our She Cave. I had cleaned out all the junk in there, and had a free couch in there. My boyfriend had a random free couch he needed to find a home for. This inspired the whole re- doing. It was great, while my kids had Covid and I was well, in June, We did this. I needed some shelves under the TV in there. So I moved the shelving unit I had all my clothes in that don’t need hanging.

She Shed Pau! (done! ) and looks GREAT! but now I had all my clothes in random boxes and baskets piled up on my floor. I suppose when money is no issue or you have lots of extra time, this is when you go shopping or garage sale ing for this. I had very limited budget all summer and not much time. So I just left it. And here’s the KEY part I think, I did NOT stress it one bit. I actually laughed at it.

Same went for yard furniture. I have needed some chairs in my yard as I cleaned out, weeded and planted our garden this Summer too. Told you, it was the ENTIRE home and property. A few lounge chairs just appeared, free.

About a week later, there were tow dresser’s I was given for FREE. One went right into my closet and is ah ma zing! One functions as the holding space for all my product making materials and sits right in my living space, but you’ld never guess what’s in it. Looks so good!

My office space has been the same. I am just slowly allowing what is supposed to fill in be there.

I have school materials, doTERRA buisness needs, Essential Shine Business needs, dance and fitness teaching needs to fit best into that area. As the year unfolds and life soars into back to school, teaching and Fall and Winter prep // August Biz prep, the organization is working it self out.

I can’t help to notive that truly EVERYTHING IS SPIRITUAL. I can’t help to be nudged into wondering how I could remove more stress and anxiety about non material things and just make room in my spirit and mind for what I need and want.

I think there indeed is something to this. It feels like 0 stress. Feels easy and FUN and joyful even. I LOVE the surprise blessings of receiving things you need in moments you could have never guessed they might appear. I love love more spirit and magic and less mundane, it’s all on me - kinda life.

Declutter the Space or Place or emotion stored or….

Get rid of all you do not want

Leave some Room in the new space for exactly what you need

Enjoy the AWE! Of (enter your belief … God, spirit, Earth…. ) aiding your with perfect timing, ease and I think a wink and humor too!


(all new) Eucalyptus

