
Guaiacwood (AKA Holy Wood) oil has been 5 years in the making! Do you love Palo Santo wood? Then you will LOVE Guaiac Wood. Same family, only ours is a sustainable sourcing, with so many more uses from the oil.

Guaiacwood has been used for centuries in meditation practices and wellness ceremonies by Native Americans. It is often used in perfumery and skincare products. Steamdistilled from the heartwood of the Bulnesia sarmientoi tree, CPTG Guaiacwood essential oil has an earthy, grounding aroma with a subtle sweetness. Guaiacwood is blended with Fractionated Coconut Oil and can be used both topically and aromatically. Its woody scent provides a calming, tranquil atmosphere.

It is sustainably and ethically sourced from Paraguay. Working with our sourcing partner, we’re changing the future of the at-risk Gran Chaco Forest—one of the most biologically diverse areas in the world.

Growing exclusively in the Chaco Forest in Paraguay this oil is one of the most dense woods in the world and therefore takes longer to produce by chipping the wood and distilling. dōTERRA CPTG® Guaiacwood essential oil is sustainably and ethically sourced from Paraguay. Working with our sourcing partner, we’re changing the future of the at-risk Gran Chaco Forest—one of the most biologically diverse areas in the world.

This essential oil is semi-solid at room temperature. The oil is kept warm for 1-3 months to allow the aroma to mature. This oil is blended with fractionate coconut oil to keep it liquid.

This oil is incredible for:

Meditation, grounding, and calming the mind

Woody, earthy aroma with just a hint of sweetness

Apply one to two drops to the desired area to soothe minor skin irritations and support the skin’s natural hydration.

Diffuse through out the day or as a supportive aroma during any time of reconnection to self or needed calm.

At 20. wholesale, for those 250 drops in our 15 ml bottles, it lasts a long time and is incredibly affordable.


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