Essential Oils...just part of your kids day too

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It's Saturday. My favorite day to (try) to keep clear of plans for my daughters and I. So we can have a slow morning. So we can just spontaneously decide what we feel like doing, together. Hour by Hour. Typically we all piddle around the house, then by lunch time figure something or some friends to hang out with and then there we go... off to beach/surf, another side of the island adventure, house errands, gardening, house nesting...

Also, just another day, my girls incorporate essentials oils into their day. Often on their own.

Naila refilled her "Calm and Peaceful" blend. Which is pretty funny if you know Naila. Full of zest! At 5 I still help her, but she's familiar that it's about 10 drops each of Balance and Serenity then top off with fractionated coconut oil in a 5 ml. Roller ball bottle.

Daysha wanted to make ginger bread. So we just replaced about 1/2 of the spice with 1 drop of the essential oil. If we don't have the spice, then the oils do a GREAT substitute. Just remember a little goes a long way. Refer to some of my posts here, or the blog Recipes to gage how much or little oil of choice to use in your recipe.

Before and during all of this we all do our regular oil using. We diffuse uplifting oils in the morning. I apply oils on them a few times a day, if they have not gotten to it, catering to their mood or wellness needs. Today I applied our Stronger blend, and some On Guard later, knowing we were all a bit tired and feeling a bit warn from our new back to school schedules.

Bottom line. Just keep them involved and in flow with your day to day. My girls have their blends they have made along with the Kid's Collection in their room, at their finger tips.( If you click that link, you can read all about that Kid's Collection + Balance Blend and the direct link to purchase both with your wholesale membership, giving you 25% off all year and my generous Welcome Package, along with on going support online and in person.)

We do our best to apply daily, always diffuse and then cater to our days. For prevention. For emotional well being. For focus, for rest, I help them, help themselves, to turn to our oils. Making it easy for them to use, near them too. Involving them in the research, creating, and making blends, once they are old enough.

Empowering our youth to learn about natures gifts while also teaching them how to be their own healer. Easy solutions at all of our finger tips. Saving us all time and money while going back to basics and centuries of ancient traditions, honoring our earth and it's gifts.


Blends for Calming and Sleep with Kids


Your Scars are my favorite parts.