Cleanse & Restore

It’s Spring cleaning time! Who want’s to join me?

Yes! I will be offering a few zooms this Spring about how to easily green clean your home and spaces. This March, along with some of my fellow doTERRA health and wellness professionals, I am co offering our Cleanse and Restore Program in community. This can be done at anytime on your own, yes. We just love to offer this every Spring, together, to help guide, educate, support and gather together online through it. Perhaps this timing is not right for you and your schedule. Because all of our education and support is free, you can certainly join to “save for later” when it’s right for you too.

I personally need the extra accountability, sharing and learning what’s happening in my body, as I always learn from our fellow health and wellness professionals too. Truly an inside out, healing and restorative process.

I love this cleanse because you can cater this to your body. There is plenty of room for adjusting the protocols. There will be suggested specific’s but, a lot of this you also can cater to your specific bodies needs, and some you perhaps don’t need or want.

Cleanse and Restore :

A 30-day renewing cleanse, we run as a group for added community support annually for us all to practice in a Routine Cleanse program.

This detoxification program is simple and easy to follow, and you are guided here by our cleanser practictioners and guides. We will work with a series of innovative products that work with your inherent cleansing processes.

When combined with a healthy diet, our minds, the renewing cleanse works to maximize the health and efficiency of your vital cleansing organs so that you can minimize toxic load naturally and maintain the results long-term.

We will have weekly Zooms, A Facebook Group and regular content all ready for all who want to participate.

Email me to receive my newsletter containing all the information for you. Or to join on in!


Mālama i ka ‘āina


Mind Body Connection