Summer Adventure, or just On the Go: Supplies

Whether you are headed camping, on a outdoor adventure or just wanting your on the go supplies packed up, I’ve got you covered!

This is what I packed up to hike in and out of Kalalau, here on Kauai. Blog post with pics coming and will be linked up HERE.

We backpacked in and out of this 11 mile hike. This is a global destination and had been on my heart since I was 4, when I was on the first part of the trail with my mom and papa, when we lived here in 1978.

These are also what I have packed if we heard out for the day to our favorite beaches, or head off camping. And, Yes, these are GREAT to keep in your purse, bag or car for on the go supplies for all the things.

All light weight. Each has multipurpose usages. Space, time and money. Each oil and product has a hyperlink connecting you to read more or simply purchase or add to your cart.

Deep Blue!!!!!! We all ready know and love our Deep Blue Rub. This is a way to take it in little on the go packs. There’s 10 to a pack. HERE is yet another testimony with Deep Blue from me and my active lifestyle. More importantly how we pushed through the often grueling 11 miles of ups and downs, wet, slippery, or dry dusty slippery, if you fall you will die slopes. HOURS and HOURS of hiking with 25 lbs + on me. About 40 lbs + on my boyfriend.

THIS is how we made it. Besides prayer, Kauai’s care for us back, and our mental grit and passionate souls.

Applied before, at every break, often as we were on the go, and after every part. Appllied often after we returned. By day 2 my mind and body were still exhausted. BUT! my muscles were NOT. I am serious. This did not surprise me as the same has happened after a half marathon, hours of dance rehearsals, or just stressful day to day life and taking it always in my shoulders and finding quick relief and ease and faster repair.

In my purse daily. Used on my fitness and dance students weekly when teaching. Used on us all just in the day to day, to exhale longer, feel soothing and ease. Calming mind and soul too.

Teeth: Order a 10 pack of our On Guard Toothpaste! they come in a 2 usage tiny tube, so easy to tear off top and use. Super SUPER light and on the go ease.

Soap & Hair: Did you know you can use our shampoo as a body wash too? I often just do this in the shower at home. ON the go, buy our 10 pack of the original formula shampoo + conditioner. I just cut off the conditioner side for the pack in, every ounce counts when back packing in and out. BUT! can leave on and also use as saving cream, skin softener too, after washing up.

ON GUARD CLEANER CONCENTRATE DOES IT ALL: (Our own Dr. Bronners) you can read it right on the bottle: wash your dishes, clean your places. Some specific usages just so you get the drift it’s a concentrate and works WELL! MULTI-PURPOSE CLEANER: Mix 2 tbsp of concentrate per 24 oz. of water. BATHROOMS: Mix 3 tbsp of concentrate per 24 oz. of water. DISHES: Mix 3 tbsp of concentrate per gallon of water. TOUGH JOBS: Apply concentrate directly on designated area and let soak. We used it as body wash a few times too. I brought just about 2 teaspoons into a 2 OZ. bottle then topped with water. We washed clothes, bodies, cups, sporks, gear and pots.

On Guard Wipes + On Guard Sanitizing Mist : Actually didn’t need bring these on our hike/camp due to space and weight limit needs and above reasons using the concentrate. But you bet these are in my car for ALLL THE THINGS. Cleaned disgusting keiki kind things on the go, so so often. using either these or On Guard Sanitizing Mist, always in my purse too. What is it about On Guard that just soothes a mama’s soul when feeling germy/ dirty/virus/ bacteria on us. Spray, wipe, and exhale. NO chemicals. NO harm. bad stuff bye bye.

Terrasheild: THIS and lavender oil were my gateway oils with doTERRA. Natural care and they worked. Period. We spayed and did not get bit. Period. I brought us the spray. you can also purchase the oil blend and use that as a more contracted effect. Or! diffuse in out door areas where you can plug in or wanna take a portable lil diffuser. Or! Add just few drops with water to a spray bottle for littles and babies. I brought us the spray and it worked in Hanakoa Valley, near a river, and wet wet climate surrounded by mosquitos. Boom.

Correct X: This is our natural Neosporin type ointment. BUT! non toxic. I use as my most favorite “chap stick” it repairs my chapped/ sun or dry climate lips FAST. This went on my toes all through hike. Feet were in wet socks for the whole 11 miles in, we were blessed :P with cleansing showers first 6 miles. muddy, wet socks. Feet got worked. But Correct X on my lips, ties, blisters, scratches from branches, and more… THIS is in my purse every single day. Used on us every day.

Oils Packed:

I brought about 15 drops of each oil I wanted and that was plenty for our 4 days.

Well, you know I have about 10 with me at all times in my purse… ah em. But on the go, in general it’s great to just take em in these little bottles called Drams. Peek those HERE in a little keychain case. You can purchase little circle stickers too at .50 cents a page to label ALL your oil bottles and these little drams when you fill and wanna take them so you know what oil is in each. About 15 ish drops fit into these drams or so.

Oils packed:

Drams at my finger tips during hike: (deep blue packets at finger tips too and used during hike)

Lavender : eased my stress or nerves during harder parts. Took a whiff to push through. Later: applied to skin repair, sore muscles, at night to ease into sleep.

Copaiba: like a mini frank: does it all for all parts. I just wanted that Swiss Army knife oil at my finger tips in case. Used on sore shoulders during.

Peppermint: tummy ease. Got a bit jumbled a few times from so much pushing through for hours I think. Instant settling for me. great refresher! energizer during hike. Deep breath of it! Added to deep blue or with out for cooling when HOT! oil onto skin then added a wet handcurcheif over it or under wet clothes from rain. Cooling, tinging and ease.

In my pack

Tea Tree : for all things skin repair. Anti bacteria needs, if we would have needed.

Frankincense : power house does it all. Used on our dry chapped skin, banged up feet, sore bodies.

Breathe: refresher! respiratory aid if we would have needed.

Digsetzen : more tummy aid if we would have needed. Luckily we did not.

Lemon & Wild Orange : we added to our water. Pumping water and or adding tablets to filter it so it’s safe to drink and use still does not taste great. Added just a few drops of wither oil or both and it felt and taste much better. Also aided our bodies from the inside out.

Save space. Save money, be prepared with natural solutions! I knew all I needed was gear like shoes and a pack and food beyond my doTERRA solutions to get out and into this huge adventure.

Whether you are in your day to day or you too are out there this summer in our amazing elements, hope this serves your doTERRA using to aid you and yours, naturally.

For my Kalalau Blog Post ( almost pau at moment) return here and click this LINK for pics and our journey.




Now in these Kauai Spa’s …