5 years later post divorce to co parents

Summer’s are also the Anniversary of new beginnings for us. Conjures up this days memory & many like it. Finding new life on my own now, with my girls.

This Summer we are with family / home town roots. so the annual memory has deepened awarenesses.

There’s far too much to say here. There’s about 6 blogs I’ve started I can’t wait to dig in and see what comes through when I get back home. The surroundings here today, and conversations this Summer with all, seem to add new notes to this song we singing

It’s been 5 years now. Past the deepest valleys of grief. Through the years of recovery & remembering self with much support to do so. Though the early years of extra time needed with each girl, to help transition. Beyond, Past the victim story. Onward to acceptance. Inward, to understanding & even glory all around it. Now - mostly, just living out the whispers of where I hear to go, create, be, do, next 🙏🏾

As many are in these tender Years, brand new, into it… I’d say this.

With that delicate mix of taking time & getting support to help u heal +! Facing self over & over in truth with love to grow….with ! equally time keeping & getting your shit together ( finances, assets, health for all, work, relationships shifting …)

it does get easier.

Yeah, ya might still need to work with another who is not choosing to heal, not easy to always work with, but just in that, you know what you’re working with and start, continue to create boundaries, handle legal if need, and keep finding loving peaceful respectful ways. Even if u need to create that respect you with you to hold it 😉💪🏽

So many things swirling. So much to write when I get more time. Till then .. may we unapologetically follow health & love & light. Follow prayer from grounded - listening ears. And bravely embark …

✨I’m the best mama I’ve ever seen in myself this year. My most fav woman. And eternally grateful for our life…. And all we wanna play, do ! Charge on 🌺


It just takes time


Returning Home (to yourself)